Friday, July 5, 2024

Vegas Day 4

The last day we stared with brunch. We had to be at the concert early-ish so we were only going to have two meal. We went to Blueberry Hill Farm Family. It was the such a good breakfast/lunch place. The we went to a few stores until we had to be to the strip. We stopped at one place and when we opened the door the person yelled out, 'watch for the cat.' It was a cat right by the door, I'm guessing the didn't want out. A hairless cat is much softer than I thought they would be. We all had to feel it. 
Next we went to the Paradox Museum. It had a lot of cool picture spots that looked like one thing but were another. Needless to say, we took a lot of photos. 

These were the most creepy to me. Jacks and Emery mixed....
Cam and Beck mixed....

Can you see Beck? 

Light as air.

When you become a kaleidoscope.

After we went to the Coke store. I'm not sure what Jacks was doing, but we have this photo.
They have Coke from around the world. It was fun to try, but only 3 MAYBE 4 were okay/good. 
I say Tray 2 #5 was the worst. Brad didn't try that one but said Tray 2 #1 was the worst. His tasted like the bitter part of grapefruit. Mine was liquid smoke with soy sauce with salt. (it should be known that I tried that one and only me, Jacks and Beck tired) 
The one I said was the worst WAS the worst. I told Emery she should try it. She asked what for? Beck said he would get her a hoodie, and she was sold. Really, I was impressed she did it. Look how much is there. It was SO bad, and she did it. It was worth the hoodie for sure. 
We walked around for a bit and ended up at Cam's pick, Holstein's. It was super good. It was burger and shakes, It wasn't as 'wroth it' as Jacks', but it was really good. 
They also had milkshakes, but because it's Vegas, they all had alcohol it in. Thankfully you can get them without that, and they were delish. 
This night was the activity to end them all. It was the Blink 182 concert. We got FIVE of the same hoodies. I mean, merch should all have the tour locations one them; but that's just me. When you have to get 6 tickets, you are semi high up. But in the hockey arena, it really didn't have any bad seats with their set up. 

They played 26 songs!!!  One thing I loved about them is the stage was a circle that would move around and allow people int the back to see the front, and to the side to see the front. The allowed ever one the same amazing concert experience. Very little banter and talking, but so many songs. I know when I was younger I was not allowed to listen to them but once I was with Brad, my love for them grew. Thanks you Rock Band, all of your kids have grown to love them and were exited to see them. I love when bands play the songs the know the crowd wants to hear, and they did. It was a perfect end to a great senior trip. 
The favorite food, Cam and Beck said Pizza, Emery said Blueberry Hill, and Jacks said Holstein's.  Favorite activity other than Blink Cam and Jacks said the shops,  Beck said Buffalo thrift exchange. Emery said the M$M factory was her favorite stop.  We all agreed that White Castle is the worst food place. One the first day, Brad and I stopped for water and a few other groceries for the stay. Brad found White Castle and we thought it would be good. Nope, of all the food we have had in our life, they are 100% the worst there is. 
We got home about midnight from the concert and got up and left about 5:30 am for our flight. Brad and I relaxed most of the day which allowed the kids to go and hang out with who they wanted to for the 4th of July. We don't know when we will go on another full family trip, but other than it being over 110 the whole time, this was a really good time together as a family.  I can't wait to see where they all are in 5,10,15 years 

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