Sunday, July 21, 2024

Grandma and Grandpa Camp

Since Grandma and Grandpa Arrington and back from their mission this summer, they decided to do another camp. All of the kids love them, even as they get older I do think they all love to go. Spending times with their cousins and grandparents is always fun. Not everyone was able to come, but still a lot were. It was different this year; both boys know how to drive, so Beck drove everyone down. Saying I was nervous for the 2.5 hours it took them to get there is an understatement. I knew Beck would be safe, it's the other drivers I don't trust. They made it both ways safely. 
The crew!
They went to Laser Mania for Laser tag, mini golf and game. 

Next was scripture story cupcake decorating. 

Dinner, smores, games and just talking finished the night. 
Sleeping was where ever you can find a spot to sleep. This doesn't look very comfy to me. I'm not sure if they finished the night this way.
The next day they were on the lake. All the kids loved it. Jacks said he fell out a lot, but that is kind of the point. 

They all can't wait until next year. 

What did Brad and I do on a kids free weekend? Got take out and built Legos. The 4 characters are what we did. 

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