Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cam's Last Special Night

 I know I've said before, but we have kindergarten Camden to thank for special nights. We knew he needed alone time and so they started, and they are the best thing we've done. Cam said something about Cailey wanting to do another escape room, and we reminded him he had one more this month. I love how Cam and Cailey are. They both are stupid smart and have the drive and will be Doctors some day, they both love board games and find new ones all the time, they both love art, they love to watch new shows/movies together,  the both love to rock climb and do activities way too high in the air. 
For the past few weeks they stared Trapeze classes, at the same gym they rock climb and Cailey does Silks/ aerials. I love Camden has someone who likes to do this. I've thought so many times to try and work to doing this, but then I see the height and I clam up. 

After this they went and picked up Fiesta Chicken for lunch. After eating we played Castles game. Such a good game!!!
Then we went to the escape room, Captured by Dr Fear. It was so much fun! We beat it with 20 minutes left. It was a 9/10 on the scale and it was perfect. 
Later we also played Parks. Another game that was so much fun, easy to learn and sucked to lose. 
When I asked Cam his favorite special night of them all, he said this one.

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