Tuesday, July 16, 2024



When Brad and I were dating and got married, he was a gamer. We had an original Nintendo, but not for long, then really no game system after that. Brittany and I played A PlayStation, not sure 1 or 2, but it wasn't very often. The first game I remember playing was Tiger Woods Golf, which was pretty fun. Then I tried Halo with Teresa's kids, and I could not move my head and body with different controls AND shoot. It wasn't fun. When we moved to Boise the first time we had Ultimate Alliance and I loved that game. I beat it. After that games for me were hit and miss, and recently Brad and I play some together, Don't Starve, Red Dead, Assassins Creed and the Witcher together. They're big games and fun to take turns. When we moved back to Twin, and Emery was born, that is when the last NCAA game came out. He would stay up late (2 or 3 am) and play his game then go to work. He would play while I slept so he could help with the kids when they were awake. I loved that he did that and loved he had something he loved to play. He always hoped that someday they would make another College Football game, but that did not happen until now. This game has been announced as happening for years now and today it came out. He's a happy man and has played today after work. It gives me lots of time to read all I want to. 

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