Monday, July 15, 2024

Things I May...or May Not Miss


I can't believe in exactly one month, we will be in Utah, dropping Camden off at college. I mainly can not believe that I/we have 2 adult children! That aspect, I am not sure when your mind can wrap around it. But they are adults and are going to move out and move on. I have never been sad to see any of the kids grow and develop. That really hasn't changed, but I know how it is to be an adult and I really want to shield them from the 'Bad' parts of. However, I do know they both need to go through the hard to know how good the good can be. It's bitter/sweet. I don't cry because I'm sad. I cry because I'm so happy for them and excited to see where they will be. I cry because I hope we did enough and know they are so strong and smart and ready. It's an odd happy cry. I was going to do one big list of quarks of the boys, but I think I'll just add as they pop up in my head and I remember to take a picture of them.
Music. I love music and love hearing new things. I don't listen to random new one, so I rely on the boys. Camden is the best at sending me new music he thinks I will like. I would say 85-95% he is right. He also will give me a whole album review. He did it with AJR and Bring Me the Horizon. I hope they never stop, but will understand if they do. Beckham, on the very off chance he drives, will pick the music. Sometimes he will pick a playlist at a part he is okay with me hearing (I feel it's because it's the most 'mom' friendly) but I have a lot added to  mine just from sort drives. 
Their rooms... miss or not; you decide. 

The water bottles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(!= how many are in his room at a time)
Music; Camden and Beckham are the most musical. Maybe because they are the oldest and I was over the top with piano lessons or listening to music or making sure they are doing something(music) vs video games. I will miss hearing Camden play piano,
And Beck doing guitar. He is all self taught. I love being able to listen to half the song and finally understand what he is playing. He has learned so many songs, just by doing it himself. He puts AirPods in, then a headset on. He listens to songs and plays along while being able to hear himself play. Really, I would love to hear it at full sound sometimes. 

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