Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vegas Day 2

This day started with going to the Miracle Mile Mall on the strip. It's a ton of stored about a mile long when you walk, I'm pretty sure more. We went to all of the stores and one of the stops was Emery's lunch. It was call Flight and it was a tapas bar. (everything in Vegas is also a bar) Emery, Cam and Beck got Tapas, the rest of us got meals. I thought it was really good. Emery loved her French toast, the banana was actually her favorite one. 
One stop outside of the mall was the M&M shop. It was four levels of M&M merch. Emery and Jacks loved it. So many M&M's to take your photo with. It was the first place that got Jacks to spend his money.  

One thing I will say for Vegas now, is there are go many spots for photos and so many family things to do. Not all are free, but it is a lot better now for families than it once was. 
We walked the strip a bit more. This is at It's Sugar.
After walking about 11,000 steps now, we stopped at Excalibur and just let the kids play in an arcade. It didn't last a really long time, but it was a good rest. 
We were trying to just stay on the strip because we had a show that night. We found a Stranger Things walkthrough and tried it out. It wasn't huge but it was fun to talk around. We actually did this after M&M. 
Really, Jackson loved this the most. 

Trying to show Eleven doing her powers on them....
Jacks interpretation.

We walked over the the New York New York because it was close to the car and our show that night. Emery saw bag for the Hello Kitty Cafe and knew we had to find one. We did outside of the casino and she was in heaven. 

She got a banner and has it in her room now.
That night we went to Michael Jackson One show that night. It was really a good show. It was just a ton of his songs with dancers, acrobats and other performers. 
The one picture I got. Notice the top people, high in the air. 
We ended with like 10 miles+ of walking that day. It was our biggest walking day, hottest walking day, but it really was a good and fun day. We saw and did so much. 

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