Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Emery Catch Up

A few months ago we were trying to look at the old pictures that are saved on our portable hard drive but we had a really hard time getting them to open and some we still haven't been able to. While I used to print off more pictures when the kids were younger, I still don't want to lost these pictures. I started to blog because I liked the idea of adding pictures to the stories. I also really like to journal and it was getting hard to write 4 journals. For about a year I kept a journal for Camden, Beckham, Emersyn and me. The blog is our family journal and when I have extra money I get them printed out in a book. Jackson has his whole life in a blog, but Emery and the boys don't, so my goal is little by little to add that in. Emery is only missing a few months, so her catch up is easy.
Since I had a C-section with the boys, they schedule one for your next baby, which I came to find out is a blessing and curse. I know the latest day that we'll get to meet our baby, but I have gone into the hospital before the date with all of the kids and every time I've been sent home because my surgery was soon after. The boys it was ok, labor stopped, Emery's didn't. She was 'supposed' to be born September 24 but on September 22 labor started around 5 or 6 pm. I knew with the boys to wait till them are about 5 minutes apart before I went in, so when that had been going on for a few hours I went in and as you guessed sent home. The doctor said I wasn't progressing fast enough and my date is close. He told me to come in if they get closer, but they never did. They did however not stop and got stronger. I felt my stomach was huge but I mainly felt them in my back, it was miserable. I took 3 or 4 baths and moved from room to room. Brad kept following me to help me... not sure with what. I more just got annoyed that he wasn't sleeping. I knew doctor shift change was around 8, so I waited until then to call again to say the contractions aren't stopping. They checked me in the office, I was at I believe a 4 and they sent me to the floor. A different doctor came in and asked if I wanted to do a vbac (vaginal delivery after C-section). Brad said he was tired of waiting, you know because it's so hard on him. I chose not to and while I'm very glad I didn't try I semi regretted not trying for a few years after that. I do think I was meant for C-sections. When the contractions, that were concentrated in my back, came Brad thought I needed to know how high the line went and how strong it was, incase it couldn't feel them, then everyone around telling me to breath. When I'm in pain I have very low patients, so I'm sure I may have thrown a few potties out if I went full labor. I do remember it was just after my mom got a cell phone and she was on a bike ride and it took a bit to get ahold of her. I just kept thinking they cant take me back until I have my mom. She isn't in the room with me, but a daughter needs her mom around when she is giving birth. Birth went great. The doctor later told my dad the cord was around her neck a little so it was probably best she was delivered that way. She was 8lb 2 oz and perfect.
 Brad was instantly hook and she had him wrapped around her finger.
 She is so loved by everyone.

The boys were kind of excited  but not too sure. I had a reaction to the meds, notice the lovely post birth chubby face. Since I had been up since who knows what time the day before, I was tired. I remember Michelle coming to see Emery but I swore I kept falling asleep.

When she was a day old they told me she dropped 6 oz. I didn't believe it, my boys were 6 oz apart and it looks like a lot of weight on a tiny baby. They told me I wasn't feeding her enough and they needed her to have formula. Whenever I tried to give it to her she would pull back and hated it. The nurse said maybe her stomach hurts to they pumped to try and get meconium out, nothing was in there. Then the nurse used a syringe to feed her because I wouldn't do it. She went and weighed her again and realized they must have weighed her wrong because she only lost an ounce or two. I look back now and wished I spoke up, but I was tired and young and thought they knew best. Just after this they did a routine blood test. That evening I got a call from the doctor saying they're putting her in the NICU and that's all she told me. They came and took Emery and it was a while before I knew why. It wasn't a fun time after this birth. I don't remember what levels, but some levels were too high and they show inflammation in the body and she needed to be monitored. While we were 'lucky' because our baby was a chubby 8lb baby and they said it was just a precaution, nothing prepares you to see a baby hooked up to so many wires. She spent I think 48 hours there. Leaving without her was the hardest thing I had to do. I think I cried until I went back to feed her. I'm so glad I said I was nursing and only nursing because we came to later find out that she was allergic to milk. Until she was about 3 she had to have lactose free things. I'm not sure why it went away I just know if they fed her formula she would have been in there even longer.
When we got to take her home we were all so in love and over joyed. The fun continued but with me this time. I got strep and the flu shortly after we got home. I'd still take this sort of recovery over the spinal headache I got with Jacks.
 He's telling her here that she will always get whatever she wants and he's stuck to that.

She was a pretty easy baby. It took probably a month for her to finally take a binkey but then she didn't want to give it up. She didn't sleep much and still really doesn't. Her naps were always short but she was still happy.
 Her blessing dress is extra special. Great Grandma Arrington made it I don't know how long ago and I was excited to use it for Emery's dress. She also has my silver bracelet on. In Ireland you give a baby girl silver. Each of my parents Granddaughters have gotten a bracelet from Ireland and Emery gets mine. I love traditions like that.

They really did love their sister. Looking back at pictures, Camden had something with touching her head.

 She loves her daddy. He could get her to smile so easy.
 First Christmas
 More head touching.

 First Halloween. We later used the outfit for a Christmas card. Around this is when I started the original blog so the rest of her story is there. She is such a joy to have in our lives and I'm so glad we only had one girl, although she is like me and hates it now. Someday she'll get how awesome it really is to be the only girl.

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