Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jacks is Officially 2

Jackson's birthday was the 31st. He has grown a lot this past year. He's looking more like a little boys and not a baby. Last year when I tried to take his picture he just ran around and wouldn't let me get a good one, and not much changed for this year. This was the best out of 10 or so. (the one by the door is the new one). 
 Jacks already got his presents, so we just had some cupcakes. Jackson is taking the path of Camden and Emery, not eating well. It's a fight almost every meal. He also doesn't really like meat. I can get him to eat most other foods, but he doesn't really like meat, well other than hot dogs, but is that really meat? I told him to eat one bite and he could be done, you can see it on the table, but it was a big ordeal for him. As you can see he wasn't happy about it. He is pointing to the cup cakes. As I am writing this out he looked at the picture and said "Jacks eat. It's yucky" 
I held him for a minute and he finally ate. 
 Blue frosting was a mess, but a tasty one.
He got blowing out the candles a little better this time and was pretty happy when they went out.  

 And he enjoyed every bite of his cake. 
Like father like son, they both are a mess. 
One wasn't enough for Jacks, he wanted to share Brad's too. This picture he's pointing to it saying "yummy, yummy." I did however this time put the left over cup cakes father back so he can't reach them and pick at them. 
Jackson is a handful. He is the only one of our kids who has had the terrible twos and they are in full force. He is all boy and loves to explore. Jackson plays well alone and when he is playing alone it's best to leave him that way, he doesn't like his game interrupted. He has a sweet Irish temper on him, and has been letting that out often. Jacks is a great sleeper. A lot of times he will go to his room and wait by his bed because he wants to go to sleep. Jackson loves shoes and socks. If I don't put socks on him in the morning he gets mad. He still loves to he help and cuddle, so that makes it nice that our baby still likes to do that. He is obsessed with kitties and acts like one a lot. The other 3 play into it and really treat him like one. We were at one of my friends house and they have a real cat. Jackson was amazed and even wanted to share it's food... not a good plan in the end. Jackson loves outside and would stay out all day if we let him. We have annoying neighbor dogs that bark all the time. Jacks doesn't help because he'll call them over to come to the fence. He and Emery are the best of friends but fight mean too. He can stand up for himself, which is good to have for a youngest child. He loves fruit, chips, hot dogs, fruit snacks and ice cream. He also loves to take baths and never wants to get out. Taking him out has been the reasoning for a few of his tantrums. He loves books and loves when Beckham will read him books. Jackson loves to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, both of them. He also knows when we are at dad's work to pick him up or at Deseret Book to see Grandma Arrington at work. He is such a fun boy and brings so much joy into our lives. He knows he is cute and funny and tried to make people laugh. I have a feeling he will be the class clown, trying to make everyone happy. We love this little boy.

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