Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little Bit of Everything

Almost daily Emery and I make something. I need to find other things than treats to make. We do make bread sometimes too, but it's a lot of treats. She loves to cook. Jacks helped again and when I say help I mean he was our taste tester. I love how the batter literally goes from his mouth to his pants. 
 He really liked it, and was mad when he couldn't have any more. He however has found that the stool from the bathroom makes him that much closer to the treats. 
 Beck had his first Basketball game on Saturday. It's fun to watch because the kids still don't really get how to play and there is a lot of rule breaks. The refs are pretty easy with the kids. They don't even keep score yet. Beck isn't really competitive, so he doesn't really go after the ball much. 
 He did get the ball once. Not quite knowing the rules of his teams basket, he dribbled the ball the wrong way. He seemed to have fun. 
 Yesterday Emery had a 'special' day just for her. She got her hair cut, got a new dress and got to go to lunch with just mom and dad. I remember when I was in elementary my mom would take me out for the day maybe once a year and we would do the same things. I hope she remembers days like these when she is older. The hair cut fixed her self-done hair cut. She is the cutest girl ever. 
The boys had their first real feelings of guilt Monday. Brad and I went out of town the weekend and the kids stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Arrington's. The boys took their DS's to play with. On them, you can record your voice, which the boys discovered how to do. On Monday when we were all sitting around Brad heard them playing back what they had recorded and questioned what they said. There weren't any 'bad' words, just mean ones. They called people stupid and other mean things that they know better than to say. There were a few recordings that like, which we deleted and talked to them and told them that it isn't right to talk about people like that. I asked if they would say that to their face and if not they shouldn't say it at all. A little bit later we asked how they felt and they said they felt bad. I always thought that some how parents liked when their kids felt remorse or guilt. I'm glad they learned something (well hopefully learned) but I felt bad that they had that guilt feeling. I have a feeling that this is the age when real lessons start happening and they'll have a lot to learn. 

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