Friday, August 14, 2020

Barnes Bear Lake 2020

When I was still having to go back and forth for work the weekends were times where I didn't want to go anywhere. I debated a few times making the trip to Bear Lake, which now is 2 hours longer. I am glad I started in Boise and am even more glad we all went to Bear Lake for the reunion. It was nice and relaxing and good to see all of the family that came. Emery stayed close to the babies. She loves being a little mom.

Uncle Chris is good at wearing the kids out, and having fun with them. They ran around the yard and were worn out in the end. 
There was also a lot of Corn Hole played. I for one am not good at it, but it was fun to see others play.

We went to the lake early, which was perfect. It wasn't too hot, not a lot of people, and by the time it was getting too hot, we were all ready to go. The water was pretty shallow for a long ways out. You can kind of see a white ball, the boys still could touch that far out. 

Brad tried really hard to get Grant to be his buddy. It worked a few times, but mostly Grant wanted his mom. 

We played Barnes BINGO. Some of the Great Grandparents were hard to find, but it was fun to see old pictures and watch the kids try to figure them all out. The kids loved all of the prizes the most. 

Beck was given some sweet shades. If he knew I was taking a picture he would have hid. 

Outside a pizza place we ate at. He didn't get putting his whole face in. 

The boys, Greyson, Teresa and I went to this activity place. It was pretty hot out, but the kids had a lot of fun. They all did a slide and golf. Cam and Grey did a trampoline while Jacks and Beck did a zip line. 

While I did not do the zip line, it was the worse in my opinion. You were obviously high up and had to cross a bridge to get there. Jacks and Beck had fun which is what mattered. 

The scary bridge. That girl acted like it was nothing, but it was not fun. 

Corn Hole Tournament. Jackson's team got second place. Cam and Beck were on a team and won a few. Brad's team lost right away. My team won once and Emery's won a few times. 

Brad did the Social Distancing Games. You had to complete tasks while a safe 6 feet apart. First was brush someone's teeth. 
Then put a hat on someone. 
Make a PBJ and feed it to them.

Fold Laundry

Draw a picture

And feed someone and Oreo

We had FHE as well. This year someone from each family talked about something that they did that was hard and how with putting in a lot of effort, they got a reward. It was fun hearing everyone's stories and what they have learned. Seeonna talked about her treatments, all that she has gone through and still does. Not a dry eye but she is so strong and was still able to talk about some 'rewards' that she has had over the last year. Camden talked about piano. He got nervous and since he didn't write down what he wanted to say, he forgot to say some things. It was still good to hear him and was good for him to get up and talk in front of people.
It was a lot of fun and at the end, we were very tired. I could do without a long drive, but that's okay. Until next year.

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