Friday, August 14, 2020

Around the House

We watched a movie the other day, as you can see, Emery loved it. I love how relaxed Luna gets when she sleeps next to someone. 
The other day Emery and Jackson were complaining they didn't have anything to do during the day. I asked why they don't play together as much any more. They said the other won't play how they want to. They didn't take the time to think if they just gave in a little on each side, they could have a lot more fun. I came home the next day after telling them that to a massive fort. They played the next two or three days together in here. I really think they are just tired of always being around each other and need school, but until then, they are stuck with each other. 
I came home the other day and noticed Emery's window. I don't know how long it has been up, but it's cute to see, and hopefully make someone else smile.

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