Sunday, December 17, 2017

Piano Recital

Tonight we had a Christmas Piano recital for all of the kids. This year I have also been teaching out nephew Kyler and he has done really well. I was really nervous to take on someone who isn't my kid, but I gave this a try. When I teach the kids, if I don't explain well then I'm here all week and able to explain better or show them another way, but with someone who is only there once a week, I have to hope that I explained it well and in a way he understands. It's only been a few months and he seems to be getting it and played very well tonight. 

This year Camden has a lot more freedom with his lessons. I still give him a lesson book, but most of his songs are concert pieces that he picks out. I did this with the hope that we would argue less and he would enjoy the song he plays more. So far so good and he did great tonight. He loves to play and also loves to show off what he knows. 

I have given Emery more songs she knows to play. We have a Hymn book that she has liked and a fun song book we borrowed from Grandma Barnes. I'm not sure she loves it still, but she is enojying it more than she did last year. 
Beck can technically be done after this month. We told the kids they have to play 2 years, then if they have other things going on, if they want to, they can stop. I'm not sure if Beck will or not. He wants to play like Camden and just have concert pieces to play. He has grown a lot this year so I kind of hope he sticks with it. 

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