Thursday, December 7, 2017

Funny Kids

Emery and Jacks had a fundraiser at school and since Beck had some money he said he wanted to buy something. He decided on cherry cordials and was excited to try them....until they came and he saw how small the box was considering how much he paid. We then went to Walmart and he saw that you could get more for a lot cheaper. He learned that day why we don't like fundraisers a lot but also we told him that his sister was happy he bought something from her. 
After being sick, Camden got his chance to hold Hayden and he was very excited and happy to do so. They're all like their dad and love babies. 
 We found this jacket that used to be the older boys but now it actually fits Jacks. He loved it so much and had to wear it on Sunday. Doesn't he look fancy?
 The kids were playing on Brad and my phones the other day and found out that you can take selfies and send them to each other. The weird faces they make when they think no one is looking. 

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