Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Little Bits of Everything

The Saturday before Camden had his surgery we let him pick his "last meal." Since he was going to be on a soft food diet for a while after the surgery we figured he could have one good one before it hurt to swallow anything. Of course he chose McDonald's. 
Recovery has been... well not fun for anyone. I get it must hurt to swallow but getting Camden to listen at all the past week has been near impossible, well for anyone but Grandma Arrington. I would tell him over and over to drink and he would take these tiny sips that didn't do anything, but I had to take Beck to an appointment for his arm the Thursday after surgery, and since Camden was feeling sick my mom came and watched him. She got him to drink all of his juice AND eat breakfast in the 45 minutes I was gone. That afternoon he felt great. He had finally done what he should and it showed. But of course he is stubborn and that night wouldn't listen and felt horribly again. I have to say this has been one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Sunday I was done with the bad attitude and lack of listening and him feeling bad so we spent a long time in the morning eating a yogurt and drinking a juice, but he felt great the rest of the day and it finally clicked and he ate a good amount of dinner on his own without a fight. I weighed him on Sunday and he's lost about 2-3 lbs, which he didn't have to lose. Hopefully he gains it back fast once he can eat more. Mornings are still rough, but that's expected. He's back at school and doing much better.  He got a doodle book and pen from Grandma and Grandpa Arrington, which has been great for him to have to do while he was home from school. On the pen he wanted everyone to know it was his. It says "Cam's property." 
Jacks is such a funny, weird kid. He always makes us laugh or cringe, depending on the thing he's doing. This meal it was cringe. He had strawberries and hot dog for dinner. He said he wanted sauce, which I thought was for his hot dog so I gave him ketchup, but he though it would taste better on his strawberry. Kids must not have very good taste buds, because there is no way that tasted good.  He also says funny things. He comes up to me all the time excited saying "I have an idea!" Then he tells me what he thinks is this wonderful thing or story. Usually it's like lets eat a treat or play with the dog. Today he came in and told me that the dog was a sweetheart. Not sure where he learned that word, but it was funny to hear him say. 
 Not much grosses me out, but feet I hate. I will only cut the boys nails right after they shower and Brad knows not to put his feet near me or he will get hit. They are just nasty and I hate them. A few months ago we noticed Jacks toe nail looked weird. the Doctor said he must have been sick and for some reason it stopped the nail growth, so there was a break in the nail, but it would grow back. It has been nasty to watch it all happen and today it looked especially nasty. It is almost all fixed, which is good. Then it will not look nasty anymore. 

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