Camden finally lost his first tooth. It was loose but he didn't want to tell Brad because he didn't want him to pull it out. We went to the drive in on Saturday night and it fell out in Teresa's car. Camden couldn't find it so we told him to write the Tooth Fairy a letter.
It said "dear tooth fairy. I lost my tooth. It was lost in my cousin's car so i have to write this note to you. Thanks for the money and can you bring a picture of you with your name at the very bottom for me. I lost my tooth yesterday."
That was great until you looked at the back. It said, "I Forgot, I don't need you to give me the money. I just want a pictre of you and your name at the bottom." Such a simple, and cheap request.
Thankfully Brad is creative and we came up with a plan. The tooth fairy wrote him a tooth fairy size note. It said, Dear Camden, I found your tooth. Enjoy the $2. Love Esme, the Tooth Fairy."
When he woke up he was a little disappointed to not have a picture, and of course he couldn't read the letter. I zoomed in on the letter and told him what it said and then I told him that Brad and I heard something just before we went to bed and ran in with the camera and took a picture, and this is what we saw. He was so excited to have a picture of the tooth fair. If you zoom in, it's a tiny fairy. Thanks to Photoshop and the complete faith a child has, it was a good experience for him.