Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning

This year the sleeping wasn't too bad. Beck came in about 3:30 AM and was excited but I said it wasn't time to wake up yet so he went back to bed. Then at 4:30 Cam came out, excited that Santa left them a note and ate all the cookies. I told him sweet but it's not time to wake up and he went back to bed. Jacks woke up at 7, so we got all the kids up then. Jacks was funny because he usually likes to be held in the morning at first but Brad just put him down. He was mad until he realized that they were presents and even better a stuffed animal. It was fun to watch him. 

Here are some picts from the morning. Emery was excited for her Tangle doll and Horse. 
The boys were really good with waiting a turn to open a present. They loved this year. 
Jacks finally got how to open presents and loved it. 
You have to love the complete mess that happen after... and all of the box opening which is worse. 
Emery got a tea set too and a doll with clothes. The boys got a DS, some games and Skylanders. Camden got 100 sodas  He really wrote that on his list. He got 2 packages of gummy pop, 2 packages of pop shaped sugar candy and then two 6 packs, the small kids size ones. He was so excited for that. Jacks got trucks, lots of noise trucks, but he loves them. It was fun this year for me. Brad didn't know anything he was getting. It is hard to keep a secret from him but I did it. It has been such a fun day. The kids have loved every minute of it. All the months of planning are over in a few minutes. Now we have to find a place for all of their toys. 

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