Thursday, February 22, 2024

News! Crazy, Exciting, Amazing News

At least 3 times a week Camden got letters from colleges to show him how that he should choose them. It's a totally different thing from when I was this age (almost exactly half my life ago), I only thought of CSI and I was set on being an RN. That didn't pan out for me, I would not have made a good RN, but I have loved hearing Cam talk about school. To be fully honest, I was honestly a little worried he wouldn't follow his dream of being a Doctor (raising seniors is so hard), but he kept telling us he still wants that. He applied for University of Utah as his top/ first choice. President Russel Nelson recently gave the school all of his notes and research. Not only is he an amazing prophet, he is a pioneered in the cardiology surgeon health care as well. Camden knew that and I think that is one reason he wanted to go there for schooling. While The Utes typically hate BYU (the Barnes' family team) we were hoping and praying he could accomplish that goal.

And he did!
It's a weird feeling when your child is old enough to leave, and should fulfill their dream, but you still remember teaching them to use a bathroom. While there is part of me that wishes he wasn't old enough yet to leave, I can  not wait to see him excel. I know he will be a cardiac surgeon, like he wants I know he will do amazing things for the healthcare field. I love that his goal was met to be accepted to his dream school. I know he will be the first Doctor for Barnes and Arrington family, but could he (they) go back to being newborns?
 I've held back tear of complete joy for him getting in, and sadness to he my first born by 3 long minutes preparing to leave. Not only one, but two at once, Beck's going to California the same time. I'm beyond proud of the young men our boys are turning into. Yes I wish I had younger years back, I can't wait to see how they change the world, because I know in their own ways they can. 

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