Monday, June 20, 2022

Washington DC Day 3

One thing I forgot about the capital dome tour on the last post was how hard it actually is to get. You can get tickets to tour just the capital. They are sold out for a while, but are free and anyone can get. I said that you have to have a representative with you to do them, but they only allow 7 per group and only do 7 a day. These tours recently started up again, which Paul has been working since probably January to get us a tour. We were lucky to get the day we did because the next tour opening was about 2 months away. 
Day 2 was less walking but I think just as hard. By mid-day the temp was high 90s but felt like 102! And it felt like 102 with humidity. I am not a fan of feeling wet all day, and unless you were in AC, you just felt wet. Thankfully, I mentally prepared myself that my hair would be up the whole trip. 
We started a little later and went to a Market. We thought it would have stands of craft or things people had made, but ended up only being food. But time was not waisted, we went to Captain Cookie for a breakfast of cookies. This was our ice cream sandwich. It was really good but we did not finish it. Anything cold was good this whole trip. I don't really ever eat ice cream, but this was the best I've had all year (the first I've had all year). 
From there we went to the Natural History Museum. We did one floor in about 1.5 hours, and that was us walking decently quick too. We had an appointment for our next museum, so didn't finish it. I really don't know how long you would have to stay to do all of it. 
They had taxidermy animals, sea creature and dinosaurs of all kinds all over. There were some of the first men, women and babies. The fossil parts were fascinating. Seeing how big people used to be, about 5 ft 5inch was an average male and 5 ft 2 inch for women. Not sure what happened in evolution that made it so we needed to be taller.

This area they call the mall. I'm not going to lie, the whole time Paul kept saying this, I thought we were going to see stores as well. We didn't go to the monument today because we had plans to go the next day. Yes, my face always is red and wet looking.  
Next was the Spy Museum. It is one of the few you have to pay to do, but worth it. When you go  you get a key card and with that get a secret identity, location and occupation. Then as you walk through there are other stations to stop at and solve problems. I had to make something to secretly take a picture to get intel, solve a puzzle,  solve the spots where people could be watching you, like hidden cameras, make a costume to blend in your area then you were given a secret location to find on the last floor. There you put your key card and were given a pass code to finish your mission. We all passed...except Brad. He kept reading mine and thinking his were the same went for it. He did not find his secret location. If we ever go back, we'll stop here for sure again. 
Some lethal weapons, including a glove-gun, lip stick pistol, pens.
Next few are ways that intel was passed between places. The one that goes into the male sack was my favorite, sadly it was not used in the field. 

You could climb through a vent duct if you wanted. After the close space of the dome, I was not in any rush to be claustrophobic again. Paul and Michelle did it though. 

My disguise was 83% blended in. It was pure luck. This was one I didn't fully read. You were given a picture that you had to blend into. I didn't realize that and just got lucky.
Brad looked at the picture and did pretty well. 
After this we went back to the house and waited for...
Mom and Dad! They were able to drive up from Boone to spend a few days with us. It's been about 3 months since they left, and it was so good to see them. We went to Union Station for Dinner, they had a bunch of different places to try and spent that night just catching up. Today we did 6.5 miles. I did eat every meal today and felt much better at the end of the day. I did also learn I will never live in a place that has humidity. I'll take dry Idaho heat any day. 

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