Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Jackson is 11

Eleven years ago our baby was born. He came out crying and didn't stop for an hour until I was able to hold him. For the next... I can't even remember how long, he was a mammas boy. He would not go to anyone for way too long, not even Brad. Aunt Teresa worked hard and about 2, I think, he went to her while I was still around. He is still cuddly. During church he still sit next to me and hold my hand or lay his head on my arm. I really hope that never stops. 
On May 1 the boys gave each other their gifts. Since Cam had a job and he was in a spending mood, he got Jackson something as well. He got him a signed copy of the Star Wars script signed by the cast. He loved it. 
We had a low key night with him on his birthday. He wanted breakfast food for dinner and then cake. Reese's cake, one of his favorite candies.
He wanted a tablet to draw on to make pictures and animation on the computer. We got him a nicer one as his only gift. He has not been off of it since opening it. 

Jackson is super creative. He has piles of drawings in his room. On the back of most of his school papers are drawing as well. He also likes to make comic books. Jackson is a amazing student. His first parent teacher conference I was worried they would say he talks a lot and makes jokes all the time, a little class clown, but it was the opposite. He is helpful to all of the teachers and students. He loves to play games online with his cousins. It's the one thing about Boise that I think it is missing, a cousin Jackson's age that he gets along with. He has met a lot of friends here and gets together with his friend Luke often. We have recently been rearranging the garage. We found some bikes and tried to get Jackson to learn to ride now since he is older and he still does not care to learn. Jackson still loved horror things but has branched out to a little of everything. He watches, and re-watches lot of movies, like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Marvel movies. Every thing and everything is a toy. I love that at 11, he is still able to do this. It is fun hearing him in his room playing with his toys. We were looking the other day wondering when we should go through his old toys and get rid of ones he no longer plays with, although I'm not sure I'm ready to do that. Getting rid of the LEGOs was one thing. Jackson has his one definition of clean/organized, and well, ours do not match up. He has a few cubbies full of drawing and loose papers. His bed is half covered in stuffed animals, almost to the point I'm not sure how he has room to sleep. Any trip we take, he adds to that collection. I have passed on my love for Dr Pepper to him. It used to be Fanta, but now that is his drink of choice. He is a homebody. Most nights he would prefer just to be at home with his family watching a show or playing a game. There are times we go out to get a snack or drink and his first question is if he has to go to get something. Which there is a story of Brad, his parents were going out to dinner and asked if he wanted to come. He said no, but can you bring me something home. His older brother Josh was there to witness it and was surprised at how Brad didn't care to go but still got the 'treat' of eating out. I have a feeling Jackson will get to that as well. He is the baby of course.  He is like his mom and dad in that aspect. He is not really into playing sports but he does like to watch them from time to time with Brad. His favorite hoodie is the one that Brad made for his PS5 hockey team. He has also asked to go to sporting events, although he usually only lasts until half time. Jackson is a kind person. He is a good friend and a friend to anyone. I loved watching in Texas how quickly him and Preston became friends again. Other than the eyes, he is a copy/paste of Brad, and Camden. He doesn't like to tease as much yet, but I have a feeling that may come with time. Jacksons favorite food are French Fries. His favorite game or toy is Roblox and his favorite subject is Math. 

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