Sunday, May 8, 2022

Picture Dump

Emery, Avery and Jackson walked around the Alberton's/Walmart area the other day. They had a few dollars to spend and spent a few hours walking around. We made dinner plans with Paul that night for dinner. He hung up the phone and ran into the kids. 
I'm not sure how I had my arm up, but one day at lunch Beck said my scar looks like Jokers face. Thanks? I think? So I let him color it. Brad Its a very big mouthed Joker. YSS is Why So Serious. 
I went and got Camden from work the other day. Every now and again I will take the dogs with me. This time I opened up the window. Eevee hated the sound of it opening and stayed away. 
Luna however knew that this meant freedom and kept trying to climb out. I had to hold her so she didn't. 
Only reason showing this is a reason number 1 why high ceilings are useless and annoying. We had 3 of the 4 lights go out and had to get something just to change them. 
Not sure I'll ever do fake nails again. It was fun for a little bit, but more a pain. I still have mine on. I clip them as they grow. I'm too cheap to pay someone to just take them off. Emery however used a safety pin to take her nails off. I can take a lot of gross medical things, but feet and nails coming off are the two I can not take. 
She just an old lady who will sleep anyway/anywhere. 
I saw this article and sent the title to the kids. It really talked about how a baby needs their mom and knows that voice from any other and listens for it above all, but at a certain age, kids realize there are more people to help and moms voice isn't the only one. It's not really saying they ignore you, although the title makes it seem that way. Beck' response was Beck at his finest.

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