Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Since COIVD started,  I have never had to be under quarantine, so when we had to when Emery tested positive, I wasn't too upset. We found out Thursday and my work told me to take until Monday to make sure I don't have symptoms. I was feeling good the first few days, so I took that time to enjoy the mandatory quarantine well. I cleaned the house (that maybe was to remove some stress that finding out brought), read a book, and did things with the kids. Emery and I made a cake. She wanted to try her new frosting bags. 

The frosting was a little too thin, so in the end she just dumped in all on. It may look weird, but it was pretty good. 
Saturday we were still feeling pretty good, Brad was starting to feel bad, but nothing bad. So for lunch we did a best pizza test. Thanks to things like Door Dash and contactless delivery, it was the best to do. We had small slices and tried 5. We got 4 smalls and one large. By the end, like all of them, we swore off pizza for a while.  
We did 2 well known and 3 local one. Little Caesar's won, by a lot. It could be because it's one we eat a lot, or it is just good. Chicago Connection was the last one we did, but I would have put it 2nd or 3rd for me. Johny's Pizza was the worst, bad crust and bad cheese, but really good ranch.  
Cam mowed the lawn Saturday and totally turned the mower off before he went into the garage and didn't run over the tube of paint that was on the floor. It just happened somehow. So we spent a while cleaning this up, and it didn't all come up. 

Each year the elementary sends home a letter at some time warning of head lice and what to watch for. Every time I read it, I itch. That how it felt from Friday on. Brad and I woke up feeling little bad, but nothing big. Saturday mid afternoon Brad really started to feel sick. He had some muscle pain and just didn't feel well. By that night he had a fever and just wanted to sleep. Sunday I woke up not feeling great and Brad was worse, we defiantly thought he had COVID. I started to get a cough but nothing bad. Brad messaged his manager who said we needed to get tested and should through employee health. So he made an appointment for us Monday. While I didn't feel well it wasn't that bad. Before I went to bed I had decided if I felt the same in the morning, I was just going to work and not go to get tested. My body took that on a challenge and made that night horrible. I coughed all night. It felt like strep throat, but the pain was when I coughed vs swallowed. Last I saw the clock it was 4:30 am, and must have finally fallen asleep sometime after. Then I jerked awake at 7:50 am and felt horrible. Later that morning we went and got tested. The test wasn't that bad. The one we got only went about half way down your nose and twisted about 5 times. 
Then it was a waiting game. We got the results back the next day. Brad positive, Kilie negative. When it came to Emery I would have sworn it wasn't COVID, then when it came to me, I would have sworn it was. I guess I was 'lucky' and got some other upper respiratory infection the same time COVID hit out house. It's now day 5 for Brad with symptoms and he's feeling pretty normal. Through the course of our week we had pretty much every symptom there is, but they came in waves. Muscle pain for a while then felt really sick and nauseous. Other times we got a small fever, things tasted off, headaches over and over and begin tired, however sleep didn't come. We'd be super tired, but couldn't sleep. The only thing none of us experienced was loss of smell. If my test wasn't a false negative then my blood needs to be tested because I have some major anti-COVID blood. Since it seemed like I had it as well, Brad and I shared everything. BUT if I didn't have it and I get it later..... (insert angry face)
The hardest part has been the boys. Camden and Beckham are pretty good at keeping distance and not sharing things. Jackson however, he is only 9 and loves being around mom and dad. On Saturday he grabbed Brad's drink and took a sip. I came upstairs and he was laying on my pillow and using my blanket right next to Brad. I told him that for a few days he can't be on out things. He came into our room a little later and just stood by our bed not saying anything. I gave him a pillow we haven't had on our bed all week and let him lay at the end of the bed.  
I for one will be very excited for our quarantine to end, for the COVID to be out of hour house. We at a week out now. While I really have liked the time to just be home and not go anywhere, I am ready to get back to life, the new normal of life. 

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