Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Schools

School has finally started. It is a very different look, thanks to COVID, but they are going. The first week it was all online. Since we usually do their candy poster while they are at school the first day, we had to put it out the night before when they were asleep. 

We started the morning off with a bang. At registration we weren't given Camden and Beckham's log in and all of the sites we went to for help just said to use last years. Being new, we didn't have one. We finally got those, the boys were only about 5 minutes late, but we sent them to their spaces to do school. 

Emery started shortly after. 
It didn't take long to realize the first day was not going to go easy. The TEAMS application and the school laptops were not working. I messages Paul to make sure we weren't the only ones, nope, pretty much the whole district was going through the same thing. All of his kids gave up and were on tablets. So we got them all up on different things we had at home. 
Emery was first on my phone.
Camden was able to get on the desktop. There were 8 in his first class. 
Out laptop doesn't work to play sound, so Beck did work on the laptop while listening on his phone. 
Jackson started last and we got him on a tablet. He thought he was in trouble because he could 'raise his hand' like some of the other kids could who were able to get the school ones working. Jackson came to me worried, so I let the teacher know we were working on it. His teacher was amazing. there were about 10-12 of the 25 ish students that were able to get on during the day. In TEAMS you can chat and send Gifs, which pretty quick the teacher had to ban because that is all that was being sent. 
By the end of the day we had 2 lap tops that worked pretty well. By the end of the week the school figured out the laptops and most were able to join easily. The this past week the kids are doing a hybrid. They go to school every other day and home learning the rest. The kids hear a lot of interesting things on the online learning. They've all heard a few kids and parents swear. Jackson's class, in their innocents, corrects each other. Someone typed wat and Jackson replied, 'did you mean What?'
The first day going Brad and I were a little worried. It was like kindergarten when you didn't know who they would sit but, if they would have someone to talk to or eat lunch with. Jackson said he made a friend and talked with him a lot. Emery said she talked to a few people, but one boy wouldn't stop talking to her at lunch. She was annoyed she only had 15 minutes to eat and the boy was bugging her. Cam and Beck didn't talk much at all. At lunch, some came up to Beck and said Hey you're in my class. Beck said yup and didn't talk the rest of lunch. The boys stayed there and they ate in silence. Hopefully tomorrow when they go back for day 2, they try and talk more. I think they are ready to get out of the house finally, but still makes them nervous to meet all new people. Monday was the first day Brad was alone during the day in months. He sat with the dogs a few times to keep each other company. They are all ready for COVID to go away so they can see all of the kids and only go to school, not home, and most of all, no masks. 

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