Sunday, June 2, 2019

Jackson is 8!

Jackson had a birthday on Friday and turned 8! He is such a fun boy, but a very good last baby. I don't think I could take twin Jacksons.  We went to Boise over Memorial day, I don't think Jackson knows how to take a normal picture. 

 He had a party on Friday. He had a couple of friends over, we went and saw the new "Aladdin", ate pizza, cake and played with toys. It was a lot of fun to Jackson.  I have no clue why they are all doing the peace sign. 

Jackson has grown up a lot, but is still my baby. I love when he will come and sit next to me, or even let me still hold him. He still gives great hugs as well. Jackson makes some of the most random and at time most annoying noises. He has the best imagination, and it's best when you catch him pretending but he doesn't think anyone is watching. He is one of the kids who is still fun to buy toys for. Jackson is obsessed with horror things, which makes we wonder a little about him. While he really wants to watch all of the movies, he isn't allowed to watch most of them yet. Almost all of the pops he collects are horror ones.  Emery and Jackson are best friends and don't know what to do without the other one. When one is gone, the other one just sits around wondering what they should do next. They play school almost day upstairs then go outside and play on the swing. Jackson is very smart, he is like the other boys and is really good at math. His only problem is showing his work because he knows the right answer, why does he have to show it. All of his teachers love him. They say he is so sweet and kind and quiet at school. They need to see him at home, because he really is not quiet at all. He tried to be like Camden a lot, and tires to impress Camden. It doesn't always work out well. He is really easy to make laugh, especially if you mention body noises. He loved to draw and make books. They don't always make sense but they are fun to read. He still won't ride a bike, he has no desire to do it, no matter how much we try to get him to. Jackson is the only one of our kids who is willing to try new things all of the time. If there is a food he hasn't had before and we say it's good he'll try it. He loved the color pink and will wear it, which for a boys his age, it's not always that way. Jackson has a soft heart, he gets offended or hurt easy. He hates it when someone says something about him or to him and it's not correct and mainly it's Camden who does this to him. He's like me in that situation. Jackson's favorite food is fries. His favorite game or toy is Roblox and his favorite subject is recess. 

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