Sunday, May 3, 2020


Jackson loves scary things, if you haven't noticed. He has wanted to watch "The Boy 2" for a while now and Uncle Paul got it on his Vudu. I mentioned to Paul that Jacks was excited for it, but Cam and Beck don't like scary movies and won't watch it with Jackson. Paul said Payton would which made Jackson excited. A few days later Paul invited Jacks over to watch the movie. The second I got the text, Jacks ran to the window to watch for Paul. He loved it, and even Emery went. All of the kids went over this past week and watched "The Sixth Sense". They all can't wait until the next movie night at Paul's. 
Today I went upstairs to get something and saw notes on the walls. Jackson wrote them. 

It is a cute idea and I love that he thought of it. It also made me tear up a little because he felt he has to ask for nice things and they just aren't given. With all of the close stay-at-home that has been going on, the kids are getting a little tired of each other. Jackson and Camden fight the most. Camden tends to say the meanest things to Jackson. If he is made at Brad or I, he takes it out on Jackson. Jackson always wants to impress Camden and wants Cam's approval, which he doesn't get often. They can be the best of friends one day, then fight non-stop the next. 

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