Saturday, March 28, 2020


The first part of 2020 went by in a flash. One day it was January 1st of a new decade and the next we are in March. These past 2 weeks of March however, have felt like a year. COVID-19 or coronavirus had taken over the world and made time halt. Our kids have been out of school for 2 weeks now and the earliest they will go back is late April. While they love it a little, I think they are also a little sad to be missing this time with friends, and really just having something to do. The schools are renting out Chromebooks to families so that students can do some school during all of this. Brad and I both have been working during the start of the outbreak in Idaho. While sometimes patient in the office can be a lot and take a lot of energy, no patients in the office is much much worse. It is so much more work. I for one an more than excited to get back to normal patient schedules. Due to spring break, Brad and I both had off this last Thursday and Friday. All of Thursday I thought it was Saturday. It wasn't until 11 pm Thursday I remembered it wasn't. 
During this time we have all slept a lot. We come home from work and the kids are sleeping. I took a nap the other day and the dogs had to join in. Luna is not a normal sleeping dog. Eevee just jumped on so she wasn't left out. 

They helped Grandma Arrington clean. Well all but Emery. She said she hates to clean. After this they cleaned the downstairs, so she didn't get out of it that long. 

 Grandma's neighbor loaned them a puzzle and the boys have worked on that a little. 
The kids have baked. Emery has made cupcakes a few times. These look like brains. 
These look just like cupcakes. 
 Emery made her own eggs as well. 
 Jackson made a lethal snowman. You don't want to step on this. 
And lots of games. Uno
 Price is Right
Speak out. This one was lots of fun and made everyone laugh a lot. 

Putting Camden in jail... he did later fall asleep like this. 
 Don't forget exercise. Brad showing he can curl Camden. 
 Oh and lots of fights. I got a lot of texts the first day saying Camden said this, Camden did that. No I Camden didn't do this. I'm being nice, they're being mean. The best text was when Camden and Emery told me they were going to make a list of everything the other one did wrong all day. After a day of dealing with COVID freak out, reading lists or wrongs by the kids was not what I wanted to do. I told them to get along or be grounded from screens. Thankfully no notes.
They were hit and miss all week. Today I was over the he said she said, and made them write 10 nice things about each other, 10 things they like to do with that person, 10 things that person is good at. They worked on them for 45 minutes then had to report. I told them each time I'll make them do this, until they can focus on the good things and stop fighting over things that don't matter. Beck is very rarely in a fight with anyone, so he got out of this. 

We are (hopefully) a week from moving. With all of this going on, we still don't know(we should by Monday). I had time off so I pack a little. We also decided to pack up the Pops! This is only a portion of them. I'm not sure how long it took to get them put back, but it was a long afternoon. 
 This is what was in the kids room. The couch is the boys and the basket is Emery and Jacks. Again, this isn't all of our Pops!. 
 We still have things at the house that we need, which is probably a good thing because nothing else will fit in here. We get to move this all into a truck then into a house. We have not seen most of the things in here for almost 2 years. It will be like a very dust Christmas. 
This whole process has been bitter sweet. We are all excited to start our journey to Boise, to finally have a place to move to, new schools and ward to start, new places to eat and play (when they open back up), new parks and stores, but leaving out home. My home for the last 33 years, minus 9 months we lived in Boise before). Since the kids don't have school and are just doing online classes they can move until late April. If school doesn't go back at all, they can be there for good. They all are excited for that idea. I for one am here until I can find a department to transfer to. I have applied for a few, but nothing so far. I am not looking forward to being alone, but everything has worked out so far, and I believe it still will, I just have to be patient (and we all know I'm not good at that). I will miss my home, and not sure how long it will take for Boise to be home. I'm nervously excited for this new adventure to begin. 

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