Monday, July 22, 2019

The Suit

We have had an interesting few weeks with Emery. She has wanted another swimsuit for a long time, but I told her if she wants another one, she has to get it herself. She kept some of the money she got from Lagoon and we have looked a few times for one. One day we went to Target to look yet again. She found a few to try on but kept saying she wants a two piece. I don't like little girls (or anyone for that matter) in a bikini, so they have always been a no. She tried to find a tankini but none of them covered well, or she just didn't like them. As we were looking we saw one that game with a longer tank top shirt. You have the bikini under it, but the tank top is mean to wear over it, a small compromise and win. So I showed her and we tired a few like that. She loved the idea of it and winning a little. The one she liked looked cute with the black tank top and she went home happy. Even in the dressing room she asked if she could not wear the tank top at home which I said we'll see, and even talked about a friend doing the same thing with her swimsuit. 
I'm not sure what happened from that trip to the next day but it all changed. She went swimming with Brad and didn't like the tank top and so she was allowed to take it off. When she got home and I talked with her she was mad because there was no point with a bikini if she has to wear a tank top and can't show it off. Although she couldn't say why she wanted to show it off. I told her if the top was the issue we could find a different one for her to try if she wanted, but I am not budging on the tank top. I told her she needs to decide if shes keeping it or not. After probably one, maybe two more 'talks' she decided to take it back. She got some nice soft pj's instead. She finally decided she really only needs one swim suit. Oh I'm in trouble when she's a teen. 
They do spend a lot of time in the pool in the back. It was the best thing Grandma and I bought this summer. 

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