Monday, July 22, 2019

SDCC Day 3

We actually slept in a little on Saturday. We were all tried and needed sleep. We had to be out of the hotel by 11. Everyone can check a bag for free, so I have no clue why we didn't just take an empty bag. After Brad and I going to Seattle, you think we would have learned. We made out with 53 pops. About 25 of them were free pops. We did not plan of getting that many, so we had to pack what we could, leave the hotel and get another suitcase. Then we got to move things around in the parking lot. 

At Funday's, someone at Brad's table suggested this pizza place. It was actually pretty good, although we all like NY Pizza in Boise better. 
We had such a good plan. Drop off the car, check our bags in and then take a Lyft to the Jokers Block Party. One flaw, you can't check your bags more than 4 hours prior to your flights. Our flight was at 7 and we were there around 12:30. Brad decided to stay and sent us back to Petco field for the party. It was my second favorit thing we did. It was really hot and I got a sun burn on one side of my body, but totally worth it. We got to meet all of the Jokers and get things signed. 
Murr walked by just as we walked in. 

Murr signed beach balls and threw them out. Beck caught one and was really excited about it. 
It was one that Murr filled up himself. 
We stated decently far back and slowly made our way up the crowd. They all are really genuine and seem to appreciate all of their fans. I have no idea how they had that much energy to keep going all day. 

Sal walked by. Camden was just a little too short to get his poster to Saul, so someone held it our for him. We later stood in line to get all of their signatures, but it was still fun for Camden. 

Sixth grade Kilie was too excited for this. Joey Fatone was part of Nsync, who I loved. I remember they came to Boise but it was a school night (and I was 11 ish) so I wasn't allowed to go. Somehow Joey is a friend of Q. He was kind of hosting and introducing the Jokers. A little after they were all on stage they were just talking and music was playing and the VJ played 'Bye Bye Bye'. I mean it wasn't the whole group, but still pretty cool. A very mini Nsync concert. 
The boys went and stood in line to signatures which were said to start around 4, we needed to be gone by 5 to make it back to the airport. They didn't start signing things until 4:15 and I really didn't think we'd make it. Thankfully it moved fast and we all were able to get 1 thing signed. We got our Lyft and made it back to the airport for our flight. We got to Utah sometime after 9, close to 10 and drove home. We got home at 2 am and all of us crashed. I still am tired and should have taken Monday off, Brad was smart and did.
Fun side note about the pops, We got about 53, 25 of them free, and from that have sold 6 for a total of $860. Most of those were Camden's, so he is very happy.
When we got home, Emery and Jacks made banners for our doors to welcome us home. They also colored a picture, made a card and left a treat. It was a nice way to come home. 
It was so much fun, so much standing and walking but also a great experience. We are still debating on trying for next year. Give us a month to recoup and decide then.
Emery and Jacks did have a fun time while we were gone. They went swimming while grandma had a meeting. They went shopping, convinced Grandpa that Chick Fil A was the best idea for dinner, made cards with Aunt Gerry, helped Grandma around the house, and probably enjoyed the quiet without their older brothers there.

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