Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fun Lessons

So the boys have had a 'fun' week learning a tough lesson. I put this on here mainly because if they ever go back and read this they can hopefully laugh and see that they have grown. Last week we had my mom watch the kids for a little bit and the boys didn't listen that great. They usually are really good, but lately they have been pushing boundaries and acting out, which we are not liking. Them not listening to Grandma was the last straw for us. We told them they lose all games (their one true love) until they can show us they deserve them back. Each day they are supposed to make their bed before school and the last month or so they don't seem to care to do that. They rarely feed the dog, and I don't like the dog, so it was becoming a good excuse to get rid of him. They kept acting kind of entitled with things, which I know Brad and I play a big part in that, but it was time for change. They had to do their normal, everyday chores without being asked and have a good attitude. The first few days weren't bad. We were all pretty busy, so they really didn't think about it. Sunday was the tough day for them. Cam looked sad in sacrament so I passed him a note and asked what was wrong. I wish I had kept it do write it down word for word what he said  (because it was so over the top it was nuts) but I threw it away. He said he was sad he didn't get games even though he cleaned his room once.... yep once to him should have done it. I said it's a while before he gets them and he needs to show us that games isn't all he thinks about and he can have fun without them. He told me he can't be happy without games and they are the only thing he like. Have I ever said how dramatic Camden can be? This went on all sacrament meeting. He wasn't grasping that he needed to show us he can listen to everything we tell him and show us he doesn't just think about games. Good thing it was writing back and forth and you can't read annoyed tones, because I was getting really annoyed. One the flip side, Beck saw we were writing back and forth and he asked what it was about. I said games and he said ok. That's how much this was bugging Beck. How do we have twins SO different? After church we told them again what is expected of them and Cam was in a better mood. Monday after school Cam came home went right to his homework, fed the dog, played the piano (that's another story, once I take a picture), played basketball and was just happy. Beck sat on the couch. Brad was impressed with Camden and game him 30 min of game time. There were things Beck could do and Brad hinted at all of them. It took a while but Beck finally got it and took the trash out, did home work  and played outside and he got 30 min. They now have a list of things they have to do and the know what is expected of them.  They've done pretty well the rest of this week. We told them they never get games back 100%, it's a day by day thing and if they are ever rude to someone watching them again games are gone for a lot longer than this last time. They hated learning there's more to do than video games but I think/hope they'll be better. So will Brad and I. It was a lesson for us as well. 

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