Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just Stuff

We were talking in FHE a few weeks ago about trying new things. We told the kids to say things they wanted to try (but not having to do with video games) and we'll all make goals to do them. Camden at first said 'to be the best at games.' He broke the rule so we made him choose again. He acted upset and said the one thing he wants to do I won't let him do. We said whatever tell us. It was piano. On his defense I did say I don't want to teach them, but I never said I didn't want them to learn. So I told him if he really wanted to learn I'd teach him, but it is hard and he has to practice a lot. We've had two lessons so far and he's done well. If he keeps it up we'll tune the piano and get some theory books. I hope he does keep it up, but we'll see. I'll teach him a year but he'll need to get with someone who is better at teaching  soon. 
The kids had art night at the school. This is what Emery did to show off. She was embarrassed because she noticed she forgot the n on her name. 
The boys were learning about Picasso and they did their self prorate Picasso style. Beck's is the one you can see the eyes better and Cam's is right above him. 
 Emery will sit on her bed now trying to sound out words. She is so eager to learn to read and she really loves it. 
Beck the other night when we were having out before bed talk asked why they call a pistol a pistol. I honestly don't know what one looks like so I said I don't know. He said maybe it's because they don't shoot very far and so you get pissed. I laughed, a lot. I really didn't know what to say to that. 

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