Thursday, December 26, 2013

To Mom, From Beck

For the Christmas gift exchange Beck had my name. When he first picked it out he asked if someone would trade him or if he could pick again. He was so worried to get me something and whether I'd like it or not. He went through a lot of ideas and finally chose to get me some candy and money to the movies. Beck was excited for a date to the movies. It was a fun gift to get, and it just shows how much the kids like to be with us. He had to take a picture with his snack. We usually don't let them get kids packs because it's too much to get one for each kid. He was happy because he knew Cam would be jealous. 
I let him pick the movie. We went and say "Free Birds." It wasn't too bad of a movie. 
Speaking of Beck, I think boys must be born with something in them. We were watching TV the other day on the Disney Channel. It was a mini show of Tinker Bell. They were ice skating and doing tricks. After they did tricks the animals would rate them, so the kids joined it. The last one was the leader of the Tinker Fairy's. I'm not sure if it was before or after her trick, but she took her winter jacket off and had an outfit on under it. The boys said she got a '0' then Beck changed his minds. He said, "I give her a '3' because she took her clothes off." Boys...

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