Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Few Happenings

Monday we had an FHE lesson on watching what you say. First I had them close their eyes and I gave them different foods on their tongue. Some were good like PNB and others weren't so good, like balsamic vinegar. The point being that some words are nice and 'taste' good, while some taste bad. Then I had them race. They had to get all the toothpaste out of the tube and back in as fast as they could. They couldn't figure out how to get it back in, but it was fun to watch. The point being that you can't take back words you have said, once it's out, it's out for good. You never know with FHE is they are listening and taking it in or not. I hope they did on this one, because whether it's from school or from getting older, the kids have been saying mean things to each other and it is going to stop.  I didn't take pictures of them eating the food, but it was funny. They freaked out at first no matter what was eaten. 

 Preschool has been going well. I can already see her progressing. We were doing patterns and the one she was supposed to circle was a square, so I told her she was right and to circle the square. That didn't make sense to her, so she told me that she needed to square it. This one she is triangle-ing it. 
 Not the best start to today, but I was hit again. They (Brad) says women are bad drivers, well I have been hit twice and both times were by men and neither was my fault... just saying. This one scared me really bad. I was pulling out of Deseret Book and the guy thought I had gone and pulled forward, well, needless to say I didn't move yet. The noise it made was so loud. I know this is bad, but from the noise I thought it would be much worse. I still feel sick to my stomach, not sure why this shook me up so much more. I kind of felt bad again, it was just an accident, then the guy lit up a cigarette while I was getting his info. I guess he did say sorry for the smoke.... Ugh now we get to go through the insurance process again. 
The topping for the day is this morning when Jacks was taking a bath he did a #2 in it and didn't say anything and played in it for who knows how long. How did that not seem nasty to him? I think I'm going to go back to bed now, that or it's time to potty train him. 

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