Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Final Surgery

Camden had his final surgery today. (Well the last for his arm at least.) They took the rod out today and everything went great. It took longer to put him under anesthesia and have him recover from it then the actual surgery took. We got home from the hospital by about 9:30 and by 11 he wanted to just run and play. The Doctors notes said that he can not run, jump, climb for 4 weeks.... He must not have realized that he is talking about a 6 year old adventurous boy who lives to climb on things. Actually that's the reason we are in this ordeal in the first place. He was a little nervous for the surgery, but not as bad as lat time. He still woke up and did an alligator roll away from the nurses, but they say most kids do that. He is pretty proud of his incision here. They just glues it shut, so no stitches to worry about or take out. 
 They took and x-ray of his arm to make sure it was good and for some reason gave us the huge film... Camden thought it was pretty cool. He had hoped to get his rod, but I think it got lost in the process of getting him to his room. Now we have to keep him calm for the next 4 weeks while it heals a little more. 
We have a week full of Doctor appointments. Monday Beck and I had to get a cavity filled. This was Beck's first filling and I have to say he was awesome, so awesome that he gets to go back Monday to have more done. He had 5 fillings! Ugh, the kids have my teeth genes, which is not good. I love the place we go to, they are awesome with kids, a lot better than the one I went to growing up. I still get scared to get a filling done and that's what I don't want my kids to feel. Emery gets to go on Friday to get yet another filling, but this time she will be awake for it. I am not looking forward to taking her to that. She is good getting her teeth cleaned, but who knows if that will work when they are getting drilled. Wish us luck. 

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