Monday, September 23, 2024

Cam's Weekend

 This blog is to journal all I can, that includes that even as the kids get older, I want to put in as much as they want posted. Camden went to Twin and Pocatello this weekend to see Cailey again. It's nice they can meet half way to be together. This is the weekend in his words. (He sent it to me over text, so a few things have been fixed, but kept the Emojis)

Friday we both drove to Target to start, I was lucky to have a huge wreck that made me forced to go on an exit and drive country and gravel roads for 40 minutes lol, but it worked out cause I made it there right when Jarom got home, picked him up and explored Target. (there was a wreck on the freeway and they had to take a random exit to go around it. Cam also took Jacks up with him, so Jacks could spend the weekend with Jarom, Bryan's family) I gave Cailey a "no time limit target shopping" experience πŸ˜‚ which she loved. Then dropped Jarom and Jacks off with snacks, I also bought this jacket, the hot pizza one. Played a game (The Mind) with Grandma and Grandpa Arrington and had burgers and fries and fruit for dinner. We played Micro Macro then went climbing at Gem stone. Cailey had nails and I haven't climbed in a bit so it didn't go the best lol, but she did a lot of difficult ones, climbed onto the boulder and forget how scary it was. We went home, played Fit to Print; I lost πŸ˜‚, played Tiny Towns and then watched "Yes Day" and just chatted, she fell asleep so I had to try and carry her but she woke up and went to bed and I finished the movie and slept on the couch. πŸ˜‚ 
Saturday woke up at 8, ate breakfast, then went to Shoshone Falls, which was free and fun. We did the hike to the mountain, didn't go the full way up, just to the nice viewing spot by the tree, looked at the falls, then went back. We did clay until Grandma got back from dancing yoga, then went to Black Bear for lunch. Very tasty food and lots of talking. We then went to US Foods so Grandma could look at the fish prices and she was... not impressed πŸ˜‚ chilled for a bit finishing clay. Then we drove to Pocatello.  The drive was very fast and chill, except Google maps put Cailey on country roads πŸ˜‚ (the old highway) and got to the Airbnb. We went to old town.. not the most interesting πŸ˜‚ went back to watch The Uglies (horrible cgi/book to movie adaptation but I would recommend cause the story of it was cool.) We ordered Little Cesar's and Cold Stone, played Diablo 3 but realized 4th was better so started download and played more board games. When Diablo 4was done downloading we played that until about 10, and she went to the dorm and we talked for a bit on the phone but she went to bed early cause she wanted to wake up at 8 so we could hang a little more. In the morning we did the murder mystery just in time which was really fun and cool to do. Said good bye, fast (but safe) drive to Twin, got Jacks, got McDonald's and went home. (this whole things was sent almost all as one sentence... yes he's in college)

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