Sunday, May 19, 2024

Some of Graduation

 Something life doesn't prepare you for is how busy the end of High School is. Camden does go to a 'nerd' school, so that doesn't help, but his last few weeks have been filled with a lot of papers and test and parties. Beck had some work to do in Seminary as well. 
Camden finished his EMT course. Now he just needs to take the final test and he can get a job as an EMT. 
Their first day of school was not that long ago. And Freshman year, Camden still looked 10. 
They were able to send a little bit into the school and post their plans. It's fun seeing what plans the kids at this school have for the future. 
Friday, Cam has an all nighter at Wahooz (well a half of a nighter, it ended at 3 am) 

This Sunday the boys graduated from Seminary. Were proud of them both for doing it and making it through. For all most of the time they had early morning Seminary. I'm not a morning person, so that would be hard for me. 

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