Friday, May 31, 2024


I made it through graduation without very many tears! They aren't sad tear really. I'm so proud of the young men they are, how well the did with school and life so far, the choices they are making for their future. It's almost overwhelming. There are thing I hope one day they understand. Like why we did things or said things or felt certain ways. This one is for my mom, I semi get now why my graduation was so hard; final child, 8 days later I got married and left. I keep using the work weird (which I hate) but its just so surreal. I worry we didn't do enough. I worry they will get hurt (everyone does and has to) I worry they will struggle (everyone does and has to). No one can prepare you for any part of parenting, but with how hard but easy it was, how happy but sad it was, it's the best thing I have ever done. We have two amazing boys who are going to rule the world. While I may cry, I can't wait to see them in 5,10,15, or 19 years, which this was exactly where I was that long ago.  
Cam had a smaller class, 160 ish, so it wasn't that long. The teacher talked the longest. I was in a weird mom zone watching him stand up, walk across, say his name... that's my baby. He graduated with High Honors!

Cailey give him a run for his money with 'smarts'. She wants to be a doctor too and will make an amazing one.  
The best looking graduate at Renaissance.

Beckham really finished school in September, he just had to wait until May to get his diploma. He graduated from an online school, so he decided he didn't want to walk. He told me he would walk if I asked him to. In the end it's his choice and I really didn't mind either way. If he didn't feel the need to, I was okay with it. He finished and that's really all that matters. Like mother like son (I finished 6 months yearly)
Two down, two to go.

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