Saturday, July 3, 2021

It's Been a Long Time

The dogs love to sit at the windows and look out them. Luna has major FOMO and could spend all day watching outside to make sure she doesn't miss anything. Camden puts the beanbag by his window and opens it so she can watch out. We are okay with this, unless she barks, then it has to be closed. The other day they both started to freak out and I went to see what was up. A squirrel or chipmunk came up to the window to say hi. They wanted to know what the barking noise was. It would have been normal for it to just come up real quick and then leave, but they came and went for about 30 min or more. I put my finger on the window and they put their paw up as well. Not sure how this one became so friendly, or maybe they have FOMO like Luna. 
This happened.... We have tried 3 times to get Beckham into drivers ED and he finally got in the class starting this month. Camden doesn't want to take it yet, which saves us money. We had to go to the DMV to get a permit. He doesn't actually that until he passes the class. But soon Beckham will be behind the wheel...pray for us all. 

This happened to us last week....
The owner of the house is selling. We do still have a little less than a year left on our contract, but this is turning into a major pain. While we are good for a year, they can't kick us out early, we do have to keep the house clean, we have to leave for showings and deal with the realtors. I love a clean house, that isn't a secret, but when it's because others are going to walk through and possibly mess with my things, and not my choice, I am not a fan. More to come on this new unwanted adventure. 
For FHE Camden wanted to go climbing. We decided to go during the open house last week. We had to be gone for 3 hours anyways. It's fun to actually see Camden climb; I really think he has missed it. While everyone did try, Jacks made the most progress. I don't think the other 3 are fans of being high up. The wall where they are hooked into they can not fall, the belay will catch them, but we could not get that through their heads. Beck has been before and went a little higher, I just don't think it's something he fully enjoys. 

This wall you are not hooked into anything, but the floor is soft. I loved seeing Camden work so hard with Jackson to get him to climb and finish a rout. 

And Jackson did. He was nervous at the top, but he did get to the top and was excited that he finished it. 

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