Saturday, April 25, 2020

At Home

Thing in Meridian are going well. The kids are in a routine with school and doing well with that. The at home school is going to make summer seem really long. Jackson's teacher asked for pictures of the kids and made a little video for them. The worst part of this has to be the kids not getting to see their friends and interact with other kids. They do miss it.  
 Emery bakes a lot now. She loved to make cupcakes, cookies and cake. The other day she made a cake and forgot to sprat the pan. Thankfully I caught it before she baked it. When it was done she put the cake on the counter instead of a plate. The cake was good though. Jayson's family cake over and they all ate it up. 
 It's the time of year for yard work. The yard here has a lot of work, but it's good just being outside. Beckham was trimming the tree because he kept running into the branches as he mowed. 
 This is how Camden picks weeds. 
 Emery had a cousin over for a sleepover. She had a lot of fun having someone over. 

 We put up more pops. I like how the square shelf turned out, it's probably my favorite set up. 

 For drama Cam had to do makeup. He tried making bruises. They turned out pretty well. 

The boys sold some of their more expensive pops and both made a good amount. They thought it was worth the money to buy a game day. They gave us money and we gave them 24 hours of games. Beckham took full advantage of that and stayed up the whole time. Camden made it to 6 or 7 and crashed. I told them they can not be crabby the next day, which neither really were. 
By 6 on Sunday, Beckham was really tired and had a hard time staying awake. 
By 8 he was out for the night and slept till 9:30 the next day. He isn't sure he would ever do that again. It was fun, but not worth it. 

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