Tuesday, October 29, 2019


A couple of weeks ago I flew out to Texas to spend a week with a friend who moved out there. It was my first alone trip and the longest I've ever been away from the kids. I may have cried a little leaving. It also was my first time driving in Utah, booking my own flight and doing all the flight things alone. Thankfully I stayed with Margaret and she took me to the airport, so I didn't have to deal with parking there. 
The kids had fun while i was gone, but we did miss each other. Emery and Jacks took over our room, which they loved 

Jackson got a mask for his Halloween costume and wore it around all day. They're playing a game with him as Jason. 
We did a lot in Texas. Ate a lot of good places, did a lot of shopping, went on some hikes and then were just lazy. We loaded up on snacks and watched scary shows. 
I bought joggers and showed her and she ended up having the same ones.  
The first hike we went on was very humid. I do not do well with humidity. It was really pretty but also a little creepy. 
In the top of trees you'll see a big web across the path and then see a decently big black spot. These spiders are in the trees just above the paths. It's pretty creepy to walk under. 
We went to the Texas State Fair. It was huge and packed. 
This was in the middle of it all. There is so much Texas pride everywhere, it's actually pretty fun to see. 
There were huge butter sculptures. I want to know what they do with all of the butter afterwards. This building was the best because it actually had AC. I went for 70's in Twin to 80-90's in Texas. 

We walked out of this huge feeding zoo and walking into the parade. I'm not sure if this is nightly or we were just lucky. Again, so much Texas pride. 
Closer to the entrance there were performers dancing. Some of the songs had fireworks and others had holograms on the water. It was fun to watch. 

This is lame, I know, but there were acorns all over. I've never noticed them in Idaho, although I guess we have them. 
We went to a Christmas store. It was a huge place full of Christmas decor. It was good I had to fly home, otherwise you could spend hours and lots in the store getting ready for Christmas. 
We did a hike at a place called Cedar Ridge. It was my favorite one. There are so many paths you can take. Some are harder than others. One path we took had a lot of incline. It was tough but fun. We climbed an outlook. I don't like heights, so watching my get up the stairs was pretty funny, but the view was worth it. 

There was a spot that was filled with plants that attract butterflies. It is more the end of the season for them, but we did see a few. 

We went to Six Flags Frighfest one night, just the adults. We did all of the haunted houses. They were a lot of fun and I have yelled a few times. One of them a guy followed me for a while, which was scary enough. 

Due to all of the rain they can get they have to have big drains. I sent them to Jacks to show him because they look like IT is living in there. Jacks did ask if Derry was in Texas.
We took a hike with the kids one day. They love running ahead and going for walks. 
Emma has a fake phone and pretends to text me on it all of the time. She was taking a picture of Preston to send to me. 

While I had a lot of fun and the week went by really fast, I missed my family a lot. For someone who is a homebody, a week is a long time. While I was gone Brad sent flowers to Texas for me. I was sad I couldn't bring them all home, but brought a few to dry. 
In the airport in Dallas, my bag was 7 lbs over the limit. I had to buy a bag for $25 (or keep my bag at its weight and pay $75). I felt lame having such a big bag, but I got a lot of things while I was there, so it was needed. When I got home, everyone was up waiting for me. It was so nice to give everyone a hug and see them again. Emery said next time I go, I have to take her.

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