Thursday, August 29, 2019

School Time Again

The kids have started school, and they were more than ready. Emery and Jacks are still in elementary, although this is Emery's last year before Jr. High! So far they both love their teachers and are having fun with friends at school. They both set out their clothes the night before so they were ready for the morning. They don't do that every night, but they do sometimes. 
 The boys are in 8th grade. This is their last time in Jr. High before High School next year! While they don't have every class together, they do have most. They are in most advanced classes. Beckham decided to not do band but Camden still is. They realized this week that their advanced teacher expect more, which I love. They have to do more than the minimum if they want a good grade, there are lots of projects and pop quizzes are a real thing for them. 
 We did candy posters again. This year we didn't made the candy part of a sentence, but Brad painted their names. Beckham said that at the end of the year he wants to have all of his friends sign it and frame it for the new house in Boise. They are all excited for the year. It's a little bitter sweet with the move. I really hope they take full advantage and make the most of the last year in school with these friends. 

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