Monday, October 22, 2018


On Fridays the boys like to stay up a little later playing games or watching a movie and that usually happens in the front room. So when I come home from work they are asleep in there. The other day when I got home I saw Cam and the dogs like this. It looks like the dogs overtook the couch and kicked Camden off.
Almost every year around Christmas my mom sings the song "Where You There" and I play it for her. It was a song she used to sing with my Grandpa Arrington. When she sings it I can still picture him singing along with her and can almost hear his voice too. Last year I told the kids about this and since then Camden has wanted to play it. He would ask all the time when he can start to learn it. (which I said anytime, but he waited until it was closer to Christmas) He has been playing it for a week or so. Since we are at Grandma and Grandpa's house he can practice with Grandma whenever.
 We finally carved and painted out pumpkins yesterday. Beckham need more scout training on how to use a knife. Me, the good mom I am, took a picture instead of helping him. And yes he still has all of his fingers.
 Jackson just threw his clothes off (other than undies, those stayed on) it was probably a good thing because he had paint on his legs by the end of it.
 My double sided emoji.

 Camden's shark.

 Beck's Venom
 Jackson's Michael Myers
 Emery's polka dots.

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