Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Last week we had a lot of bad weather days that consisted of snow, wind, rain and bitter cold temperatures. The kids went back to school Tuesday but that night is when the weather started and the kids didn't have school Wednesday or Thursday or Monday. After 2 weeks off almost a whole other week off right away made for a long week. But the kids did have a lot of fun in the snow. 

 The wind created a lot of really big drifts all over. 

 On Saturday the weather was supposed to be really bad again and it was going to be keeping us cooped up inside for a while. Brad and I went out and got some food, games and Nerf bullets. 
When we got home we got out all of our Nerf guns and had a war. It was a lot of fun and there were bullets all over the house. We also had a camp out in the front room and watched movies

 We also played a few new games, like Googly Eyes and Family Challenge. Both were a lot of fun and the kids have played them a few times since we got them. 

 We cooked in Emery's Easy Bake Oven and a real mixer. Jacks spilled a little flour and Emery said that 'a messy cook is a good cook.' It's what my mom told me and I told her. Now I'll just have to make sure they don't just throw things around to be really messy. 

By Monday I was really ready for school to be back in,but thanks to rain, the roads were really had and a few schools had some flooding, so no such luck. To keep them busy they had to deep clean the kitchen for me. They did get paid for it, but it was worth it to keep them busy. 
Tuesday Brad had the day off and today Beck is home in about the last 4 weeks I have yet to have a 'normal' day and an afternoon alone (not that I'm looking forward to it). I'm over snow and cold weather, so here's to hoping we are done with it. 

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