Friday, July 31, 2015


This was all the pictures that didn't really fit anywhere else. 
Before the reunion we had a few projects. One of them that Emery wanted to do was rainbow cakes. It is more like tie dye cakes, but they still were fun. Kind of messy but the kids loved layering the colors and having their own small cake to eat a little of. 

Their finished cakes and Emery's cut open. They all said they were tasty and fun to make. 
We also made sugar cube castles but I forgot to take a picture and by the time we got home they were falling apart. 
I just let Jacks dress himself, unless there's something special they need to be, I really don't care what they wear. The other day this is what Jacks wanted to wear. A nice suit vest, white t shirt and bball shorts. He liked how it looked. 
It's that time of year again, school starts in about 20 days! Tonight we got their school supplies. Even if you get all the cheap things you can, it's a big ordeal to get everything. The kids are super excited and can't wait to see their teacher and make new friends. I think they are a little nervous too because it's a new school, but it should be lots of fun. Last year I was nervous to have just Jacks home part of the day, I have to say this year I am actually really excited to just have one home. 
Dear Twin Falls theater, learn from Utah's and get some sweet reclining seats. We saw a movie Wednesday when we were alone and I was loving the seats that they have there. The recline is so nice to have an watch a movie with.

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