Monday, October 14, 2024

Cam's Pizzeria

Cailey's dad makes insanely good pizza. Before the kids started college we went over to their place for games and pizza. I think I ate like 4-5 pieces. He likes to make it all from scratch and does such a good job. Camden was on dinner this week and made pizza. He did an amazing job. He made 5 pizzas, I'd say about 8 inches and only a half was left. Now I feel like we need to get better products so he can make us pizza again. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Set It Off Take 3

Yesterday Beck, Jacks Emery and I went to Set It Off. This is Beck and my third time seeing them. They are great every time. This one was at the Knitting Factory, not a big fan of this venue, but it was still so much fun. Both Emery and Beck worked so we got there right as Set It Off went on. It really was the perfect timing. It was Jacks' first concert like this, in a small venue. He said it was really loud but a lot of fun.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

Next Round of Concerts


It's another round of concerts coming up. I have 3 pretty close and the first two are this week. Sunday we had Breaking Benjamin, Staind and Daughtry. All in all it was a really good concert. It was long but really good. 
There was another band at first and they came out saying they are here to bleeping hype us up, lets get ready to rock and headband. Then he started to sing and the most twang country voice came out. The juxtaposition was so not what I expected. They sounded good but weren't what we thought. 
Awwweee, the cute pictures. 

Daughtry sang some good old songs and a few newer ones. 
I forgot how many Staind songs I really loved. They can do an amazing slow song. 

We saw Breaking Benjamin 9 years ago and loved them. I think I knew all but one song. "Dear Agony" hit me in the feels. I loved that one.

We didn't think it was going to be that long of a concert, it started at 5:30 pm but we got home 11 pm. It got colder than we thought it would have been, but worth it. 
Next is tomorrow.