Monday, August 19, 2024

First Day of School

 Emery and Jacks started school this week. Emery is in 10th and Jacks is in 8th. Next year we will be done with Jr High School. Not sure they were super happy to go, but they were up and going early ready to go. 

This year we just did a normal candygram. 

Emery's says, "You're no longer a freshman so done be too 'Extra' you 'Mega' 'Nerd'. You have the 'Power' drive even though you are still 'Mini' so don't be 'Sour' it's all 'Bueno'. Say 'Geronimo' to a bussin' year!"

Jacks, "You are still a 'Mini' man, but you're an 'Extra' cool 8th grader. Make sure you are still 'Jolly' and 'Kinder' to the younger kids. You can be a  Director, 'Dr.' or 'Whatcgnacakkit' if you get good grades. 'Lego'  Mr. 'Peanut'!!"

Love that he just wore what he wears every day during summer. 
Emery put a little more thought into it, but both look great and look so grown up. 
They had a good first day, wore Jackson out. 

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