Thursday, August 22, 2024

Special Night

 Emery's special night this month. She decided to go to A Way With Clay. I think I took on a harder paint job than I thought, but she did a cute bag. She does need to get some seasonal candy to fill it, and set it up with all her Halloween decor. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Cam's School Ride and First Day

 About two weeks ago we found out/ came to the conclusion that we couldn't afford for Cam to go to U of U. It was a mix of a lot of things: us not understanding that first year students can't  really get a lot in loans, he didn't get any FAFSA thanks to Brad and I, and not really any scholarships. How a boy can graduate from the number one public school in Idaho, with honors, getting a high SAT score and passing all his IB tests with 3s and above, and still not get anything? I won't get on that soapbox right now. Cam did all he could and still no help. 

Thankfully his high school made all the students apply to all the Idaho school, and apply for a scholarship that would pay for most of school. He is now going to ISU. If you go into certain fields, ones that are in high demand, you get almost all of your school paid for. I know you may think, why not do that first? But U of U was a dream for him. He has had a good/calm attitude with this last minute change. We feel bad, but really think it will be a good change. 

It was a little rush for a couple weeks to get everything changed over. We were looking for rooms, but couldn't find anything. All of Cam's classes ended up being on line, so for this semester he is going to live at home to save money. In January he will move up to ISU, which means I didn't cry the whole way home after dropping him off. 

He did go down this past weekend to get books and go to some new student activities. 

About where he and Cailey are standing.

He had a lot of fun, and will go up a few weekends to do other things. 

His first day was a little different than he thought it would be, but still a busy first day. 

Since he was going to school, he got a candygram as well. 
His says, "Just when you thought you could 'Chill', it's time for some 'Extra' school! You're no longer a 'Junior' and college can be 'Outrageous' but don't be 'Sour'. Get to 'Rasien'' grade because 'Nutter butter' than an A+. You'll handle this year like a 'Beast'!!

First Day of School

 Emery and Jacks started school this week. Emery is in 10th and Jacks is in 8th. Next year we will be done with Jr High School. Not sure they were super happy to go, but they were up and going early ready to go. 

This year we just did a normal candygram. 

Emery's says, "You're no longer a freshman so done be too 'Extra' you 'Mega' 'Nerd'. You have the 'Power' drive even though you are still 'Mini' so don't be 'Sour' it's all 'Bueno'. Say 'Geronimo' to a bussin' year!"

Jacks, "You are still a 'Mini' man, but you're an 'Extra' cool 8th grader. Make sure you are still 'Jolly' and 'Kinder' to the younger kids. You can be a  Director, 'Dr.' or 'Whatcgnacakkit' if you get good grades. 'Lego'  Mr. 'Peanut'!!"

Love that he just wore what he wears every day during summer. 
Emery put a little more thought into it, but both look great and look so grown up. 
They had a good first day, wore Jackson out. 

Birthday Weekend

It's been a month, but at the beginning, I turned 38. Ugh too close to 40 but that's okay. It was a nice relaxing weekend with the family. 
Played games with Brad, Jacks and Cam. Everdale is one of my favorites that he's showed us recently. 
Brad got me a new Lego too. Emery and I spent 3 or 4 days working on it to finish it. I love it. 
And yes, it's in our bathroom. I need an office to put up all our Legos. 

Then finished the weekend with this game. One we haven't played a lot but is really fun.