Thursday, March 23, 2023


Dog siblings are just like human siblings. They sit on each other (and fart on each other but they I'm not sure can control that). They take each others food, they steal where the other one wants to sit, they interrupt attention being given to the other to get their own, and they steal their treats. Every time they get bones they will chew the one they got for a little bit and then just watch the other dog to leave theirs unattended. Once that happens, they run over and steal the other bone. Luna will hide her bone and just watch Eevee so Luna ends up with both. Sometimes Eevee gets ahead of Luna and takes the bone from Luna, that's what happened this night. Luna is trying to tell on Eevee for taking her bone. She sat next to Eevee for a good 20 minutes just waiting to Eevee to leave.....
And it paid off, She got it back. This happens all of the time. Luna being the bully most of the time. 

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