Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Big One Four

Emery turned 14 yesterday! Just like every year, I can't believe how old they are all getting. How quickly it is going. Only four more years and she's an adult. She opened her gifts the night before her birthday. She looks so happy here. 
Then was sarcastically happy. She loved the scent of Butterfly from Bath and Body Works, so she got that, a bracelet making kit and of course a bag. 
For her party she had 2 of her friends over. They wanted Happy Meals for dinner, went to Walmart and Albertson's for snacks and toys. Then they came back and covered Jacks with eggs. Why? Who knows. Emery joked about it a week or so ago but Jackson thought it sounded funny. He had an outfit picked out for it and everything. I watched to make sure he was having fun. 

What a beautiful smile she has! 
Emery is such a fun kid. She likes to joke and play jokes on her siblings. Her and I joke with each other also. When she was little, if she was mad she was stone faced, wouldn't talk or look anywhere else. She is much the same, but I am able to bug her enough to get her to talk when I see that is what is needed. She is like every teen now and loves her phone. While at times its a bit much, I do like to see that  she is talking to friends. It was hard to see her when we first moved here and they all didn't know many people. She has really grown to love Boise and the friends she has here. Emery loves to spend time with her cousins too. I love how close they have gotten to family here. Emery is very creative too. She loves band and is going to do Jazz Band too. The bracelets in the picture she made and has made a few other ones too. Her and I are watching Pretty Little Liars together. I have watched it before so I know what to expect with it. It's good, but gets so bad. Even with that, it's fun to have a show to watch together. When I was a teen I used to write all my notes on my hand. We didn't have cell phones and paper gets lost-I hopefully wouldn't lose my hand. My mom hated it, or at least told me all of the time that I should just use paper. Well there is Karma and Emery is the same. Not so much notes, but random words and pictures. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me, but I try to not let it, since I was the same. She still loves to cook and just recently asked to make a meal almost every week. Her and Beck both are wanting to get better at cooking and are trying to more often. In a few months she technically could take drivers ed, however I need more than a 3 month break from driving with a new driver. So she does have to wait a bit before that. Emery's favorite food is chicken nuggets. Her favorite subject is her English class this year and her favorite game or toy is random arts and crafts. 

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