Sunday, October 3, 2021


A few weeks ago the boys came out to Payton's car after school and it had a flyer on it for open interview for a job. It's an 8 hour shift every Saturday at a stud finder company. They help assemble them, put stickers on, test and box them up. It's not crazy exciting, but a great first job. They work with Zander, they can listen to music and they don't have to deal with customers. (I told Beck that if/when he gets a job doing customer service, he will realize exactly how nice that is.) They have worked twice so far. Next week is payday, so that will make it all worth it. 
It has been no secret that I do not like Beck's long hair. While I don't like it, I also don't care what the kids do with their hair, as long as they take care of it and it doesn't look like they aren't taken care of. Beck may not admit it, but one of the main reasons he kept the hair was because I didn't like it. One day I said what if I paid you ___ to cut it. He took the deal and.... 
Isn't he so cute? (well he was cute before but you can see his face now)
Zero hour is catching up with them. I keep telling them to relax sooner and just go to bed sooner, but they both swear they aren't tried.  Although I can't blame them, they do get up pretty early for school. 

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