Friday, December 27, 2019

Ear, Nose and Throat

What is the best way to spend the last week of your Christmas break? Surgery? That is what we did to Camden and Jackson. 
Jackson was happier when we got there. Not super happy, a little nervous but doing great.... then the IV came. They put it in and he pulled his arm back which made it not take. So they had to do his other arm. Needless to say, he was not happy at all.

 Quick change, but I don't blame him. They took both boys back at the same time and once Jacks was ready they got Cam ready. I stayed with Jacks until he went back. It was okay until he realized he was going back and I couldn't come. He started to cry and grabbed onto me. I was able to walk to the door with him then he had to go. 
 I was there when they put Cam's IV in. It went a lot better but he could not stop shaking. He over thought it and got very nervous. We stayed with him while Jackson was back. The double doors in the back of the picture, they are where he was going and he knew it. Every time someone opened them he looked and thought it was his turn. Once the Doctor came in to tell us Jacks did fine Camden got nervous again. He started to cry when they came in also and just kept looking at him to take him away. I kissed him and told him he'd be great.  (at the same time the CRNA was giving him versed, so he calmed down quickly). Today was not a good day for my mom heartstrings. 
 Little later Jacks was back with us and not happy at all.  I guess for a backstory on Jackson. 
The school does hearing tests at 1st,3rd and 5th grade. I got a call a few months ago stating Jacks failed and needed to take a better test. We didn't think much of it because he has never had an ear infection, strep, hard of hearing... nothing. He really doesn't even get sick often. We went to the district office and took an actual test. Failed. So we had to go see and ENT. There they found fluid in his ears. If it doesn't drain, it can lead to infection. Normally kids have a hard time hearing but Jacks didn't, at least that we ever noticed. For about 6 weeks we did things to try and get it to drain, but no luck. So that meant tubes. Since he is over 5, the doctor just takes the tonsils and adenoids out as a precaution. In reality, Jackson had the problem, fluid, but no symptoms. For him this surgery isn't taking a problem and making it better or one that he will notice. So when he woke up and is in pain and angry because the way he feels, it almost feels like it's for nothing. It was rough at the hospital but once Brad got him home, he was much better and has been doing great. We'll see tomorrow, but so far so good. 
 Camden's surgery is a quality of life surgery. Since probably about age 5 or 6, he hasn't been able to breath out of his nose. He may have a day or two where it is okay, but majority of the time it is plugged. Since I had surgery, and Jacks had to have surgery, it was definitely the year to get it done. He's a little young for a septoplasty, but being able to breath will be more than worth it. So far he's been doing great. He has stents, so in a day or so when they are clogged from draining, he'll be miserable until the stents come out. He was mostly tired after surgery and took forever to just stay awake. 
This was either a smart idea to have 2 crabby kids the same week and not 1 for a week and another a week later. As for now, they are all comfy. 
 And pretty happy
 Camden gets sweet mustache gauze pads. He was very proud of his first bloody one for some reason. 

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