Monday, December 10, 2018


Camden and Beckham are trying out for another play this week. Brad and I decided that if they are going to go for a big part that they have to practice more and show us what they have. Just to help them be more prepared when they go in. Last Tuesday we made them show us what they had so far. Beck did great, just went for it and we gave him pointers and he was done in maybe 10 min. Camden however took 20 min just to start doing anything. He kept trying to make excuses why he couldn't or he didn't remember, but nothing was working on us. He decided if he can't see us he'll be good.... and this is what he came up with, a towel on his face. He did it once that way and then again without it. He let himself get too nervous, which I don't blame him. Hopefully this will help him calm down for the teacher when he tries out.
 Grandma and Grandpa have the advent calendar boxes out again this year. The kids love to search the house to find them. One day was a chess game with Grandpa. Since the chess set came out all of the kids have loved playing it. Jacks was first and I didn't get up in time for a picture. He lost but Grandpa said he is actually really good. Emery was next. She has been working hard to learn it more and more and did a pretty good job.
 Camden has been practicing the most and Grandpa said it shows. He won!
 Beckham lost by 1 move. Grandpa had 2 moves to beat him and Beckham needed 3, but he has definitely improved.  They all loved it and play chess almost daily.
 Jackson made a Jeopardy which was more confusing than Emery's. He didn't quite get how to do it, so some of them were a little off. One answer was this is five cents. A nickel right? He wrote down dime. This one was supposed to say animal, not anial. He had a lot of fun being the game master though.

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